Street to Stable: The Basics

Looks that effortlessly transition you from the city to the stable. 

The basics

I am wearing Kerrits black breeches paired with a beige cable knit sweater, white t-shirt, and Vince slip-ons. I am sporting my favourite Surpiqure bracelet and a scrunchie to hold my hair! This city look is casual and great for running to class, the breeches seamlessly blend in. 


Now, the transition from city to stable!

I ditched my slip-ons for my tall boots and changed into a technical shirt, making it riding appropriate! It really is as simple as that, a few alterations here and there, then voila! You're done and ready to ride! Be sure to hide the helmet hair with a baseball cap, I'm wearing an Alpha Mare Equestrian's hat

Photography by Andrew Ouzounis 

Photography by Andrew Ouzounis